Here's mine: when we don't know what the future holds, whether it's the next minute or the next year, it will challenge us, help us, support us, or cause us chaos - it's either positive, neutral, or negative.
A little better, but definitions can often be difficult, as words can be interpreted differently by each person. For example, how would you define: challenge, future, problems, success, failure, or uncertainty? It's okay with details (if you're still with me).
In times of uncertainty, we have three options: wait, give up, or act. How about we first glance at every one of them from a short point of view. Holding up in certain circumstances is idiotic and in others a shrewd decision, what's the distinction? On the off chance that we are holding on to represent something we can't control, need to improve, or vanish, it is shrewd. If you are waiting for results for something you can influence or creative responses - stupid. What if you give up? Quitting can be wise or stupid. Giving up is stupid if circumstances have not been effectively evaluated, considered, or interpreted. It is wise if you have exhausted all options, resources, approaches, and energy, and cannot change or improve future results, no matter what. And finally, you can act.
Acting when you have little experience, resources, energy, time, skills, desire, clear direction, goals, etc., is stupid. If you have all this and are full of confidence and resilience, acting is wise. So if a situation calls for surrender, action, or waiting, the common thread is wisdom. And what are these? - When in doubt, listen to your instinct, your inner voice, your heart, and your conscience.
Let's take a closer look at your three choices and their benefits and consequences.
However, there are five concepts that should be considered before going into detail.
- The number one contributing factor to death is stress. The number one contributing factor to stress is impatience. The main factor contributing to impatience is the need for control.
- Doing anything - eating, exercising, working, or driving, etc. Faster does not give you one minute more to live.
- Everything changes, end, grows, or dies sooner or later.
- Allowing uncertainty in the future to negatively impact your presentation will contribute to a lifelong negative impact on your past.
- Everything in life has ramifications; some are positive and some are negative. Some are short term, while others may take years or even a lifetime to materialize.
Well, let's take a closer look; surrender, act, and wait.
Giving up - Have you ever given up something too soon - a relationship, a project, a hobby? Giving up is only easy when you give up, emotionally, financially, physically, etc. The problem is that most people don't want to give up, they just want to give up. Do you see the difference? We want the option to give up when we feel that the circumstances, results, or expectations do not match our goals or actions.
To be honest, sometimes when, in retrospect, years later, I looked back and realized I should have stayed there a little longer with more energy, more patience, more determination, or more tolerance, have I been there?
Uncertainty can create a great emotional tension that many feel the need to handle or fix with action now, decisions now, something now, anything now. Sometimes immediate action in the face of renunciation can be beneficial, but too often quick or thoughtless responses to challenges or strangers can lead to disasters, unnecessary failures, or emotional, financial, or physical costs that could have been avoided.
Therefore, as we know when not giving up is the right choice or the best option for uncertainty or unknowns. You won't like my answer, but here it is anyway - it depends. It depends on which Tim… It depends on your level of commitment, investment, patience, willingness to give up or surrender, your ability to learn before you give up, and your desire to ensure that whatever the outcome - it's better than giving up or throwing in the towel.
No one knows what's around the corner in the next life. Of course, you can try to predict, wait, dream, work like crazy and pray, but in the end, life is uncertain every day of your life. After more than forty years of talking around the world, I have learned a lot, but one thing stands out - if you can control it - do something - if you can't control it - relax, breathe, and use the time to learn, grow, and become wiser. But giving up is too often premature and stupid without proper evaluation, consideration, research, etc. I hope you will notice the connection between these three options: surrender, wait, and act. Otherwise, you have lost the central message of this article. Everyone is connected in one way or another. The key is to learn how to make the most of the combination of the three options. Read on and it will come to you.
Wait - Have you ever had to wait for a call from your doctor with the results of a biopsy?
How about a decision from a potential new employer where you have applied for your life's work? Or a customer who is considering making the largest purchase of one of your products in your career history? Or how about a small one - a late call from a potential candidate for a new appointment for a possible relationship? Or just an email or text response from one of your children? This list of things to expect is endless and I assure you that by reading this article you are expecting something from someone or something.
One basic uncertainty is - no one knows; when, where, how, if, etc. All we can do is wait, dream, pray, and yes, wait. But there are two kinds of waiting. What is your approach?
The results of both are significantly different.
Waiting with wisdom or intelligence is based on knowledge, experience, accurate information, and common sense. Waiting with the other approach leads to stress, resentment, guilt, anger, regret, and disappointment.
Believe me, I understand the concept of waiting. After speaking in 25 countries and only speaking English - believe me - I had to wait a long time for many things and I didn't even know what I was waiting for or why.
Have I been there?
Keep in mind - can't you control the weather, the stock market, the behavior of others, the traffic behind you, or in front of you, you need to keep going? One thing I've noticed about mature people is their ability to wait when they can't control things. One of the mantras of my life is simply - "I will not let your behavior determine my behavior". This will always be easy, no way. When I'm traveling the speed limit and an idiot is behind me in my tail, beeping and flashing his lights so I can go faster, it's not always easy to just ignore these idiots.
The waiting style demonstrates a person's maturity, common sense, wisdom, and intelligence.
Act… and the last action… act.
There are four elements involved in acting and they are the how, the when, the who, and where. For example, let's say you've just been fired from your job. Your spouse doesn't work, you have three children and a lot of bills and the economy is sucking the wind. I know I've been there… twice.
No one is hiring, you have limited special skills and little money to promote yourself. So the four elements mentioned above.
How - you have to earn some money so the kids don't go hungry. A part-time job, two part-time jobs, contacting family or friends, filing for bankruptcy, selling your home, taking a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant. And your definition will determine how you respond.
When - will you determine how to deal with the "how"? The answer: Read Ryan's book "The Power of Patience".
Where - this can vary depending on the circumstances - where you live, where you work, where you play, where you do anything or everything. The answer: If you live in the city, you take occasional road trips to the suburbs or the countryside to familiarize yourself with the different areas. Once a year, I take a weekly road trip to a new area within 500 miles of where I live. If you live in the country, you occasionally spend a weekend in the city. And why… to get rid of fears about areas you are not familiar with.
Who - This depends on your relationships with; family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, clients, employees, etc. Consider yourself lucky because many people don't have these resources and have to go through uncertainties and challenges alone - again I'm not preaching to the choir - I've been there. Sometimes, even if you have these resources, you may not be able to ask for help for a number of reasons. The answer: take time to develop relationships with people you can count on if you ever need help, support, or guidance in the future. And, find ways to be of value and service to others who may one day come to you for help.
Well, that's it - during uncertain times, and I'm familiar with the fact that you've been through four recessions during my speaking career, you can; give in, point fingers, repent, blame, or learn, grow, change, adapt, and win. It is a choice.